Sleep Strategies for a New Foster Child

SLEEP!! 😖 I'm already feeling anxious writing about it. Sleep is hard for foster families. Here's why:
A lot of times trauma occurs at night time.
Many kids are removed from their family at night.
You are vulnerable when you sleep, and foster kids are usually on high alert. It's not a good mix.
On top of that, oftentimes families co sleep or sleep in the same room.
It's just a horrible mix and can I say it again? SLEEP IS HARD! 😴
I've put some tips together for you for NIGHT ONE. The bottom line is you need to just be there to support them. Whatever they need, listen and observe. For older kids, you can have a conversation. For younger kids, you need to go with your gut. You can do this. You WILL be tired, but night one is crisis time. ⚠️ You trained and prepared for this.
Want to support a new foster parent? Send them some coffee. 💛
Here is a video I created to show you some of these techniques:
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