Safe Foods

Have you heard about safe foods?
It's a food that is always available to a child and that they usually will always eat. They are easy on the stomach, are not junk, and can provide SOME nourishment during a stressful time.
I HIGHLY recommend keeping safe foods on hand and allowing your foster child to access at any time, especially at the beginning of your relationship.
Keep a drawer in the fridge and pantry where the food will be kept, and show your foster child where it is at.
Additionally, I always recommend at least one safe food on the plate per meal to ease the transition.
Of course, healthy eating habits and the ability to try new food is an important skill that kids should have, but our role as a foster parent is to support them during crisis. I don't recommend setting boundaries or rules around eating/food choices until a trustworthy bond has been established. This can take months.
Save this post for a future grocery story run when you get a call that a child is moving in.
What are your child's safe foods? What should we add to this list?
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