Can we please stop the foster care signs?

I'll say it. The "I spent 687 days in foster care, now I am adopted" sign held by a child too young to write feels... icky. Why exploit their trauma? Why celebrate their loss? They are so young, it's odd to me. Just me? Anyone else feel this way?
If the adopted child wants to celebrate their adoption then let them make their own sign, their own post, tell their own story! We need to hear MORE from former foster youth and LESS from the adoptive parent. Make space for them to tell their story (if they want!).
I love how @torihopepetersen puts it: "Foster care & adoption is more than the cute letter boards you see. Foster care is not simply days spent & adoption is not the end all be all. None of it is linear." Please go follow her page and other former foster youth and adoptees! It is the only way to learn and ultimately, be a better foster parent and a potential adoptive parent from foster care.
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