4 Gifting Ideas for a Foster Care Shower

Were you invited to a foster care shower? Awesome! And thank you in advance for being a part of the foster parent village!
Foster parent showers are different. Here's some ideas on what the types of gifts you can consider giving!
1) Safety items: child locks, fire extinguisher, first aid kit, batteries, flashlights, emergency kits, baby gates, mesh for stairs, pool floaties, and beyond.
2) Gift cards: when a new placement is coming, there is a same-day Target run, trip to the grocery store, and a little panic. :) Because we don't know the age and gender of a child that enter your home, we don't keep a huge stock pile of every size of everything for all genders and all the snack options for every allergy. A gift card is great to have on hand for these last-minute shopping trips!
3) Bulk items: Foster parents go through a lot of supplies rather quickly. Consider bulk items like: socks, toothbrushes or other hygiene items, baby wipes, laundry detergent (don't even get me started on the laundry!!), toys (like matchbox cars, fidget toys, playdoh, etc.), and craft items (journals, small crayon boxes, etc.). Individually wrapped items are always helpful so that they can be fresh and new for the child.
4) Experiences: Foster kids have a lot of responsibilities and appointments. So as foster parents, it's important we balance the fun, too. Trips to the movies, zoo, museum, etc., are so important for bonding and to give them a chance to be a kid!
When you give to a foster parent, you are giving to the foster child and ultimately their biological family. As a child reunifies the gifts and supplies will usually go back to the family to help with the transition. Your generosity will live on even after the child returns home. 💛
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